Trends: Explore

The google_trends_explore source is designed to retrieve Google Trends results.

Due to ongoing issues, the scraped data may not be 100% accurate compared to direct usage on Google Trends via web browsers. Please use it with caution and be aware of potential discrepancies.

Request samples

In this example, we make a request to get trends results for a search term adidas between the 1st of January, 2021 and the 2nd of February, 2022, and set the category to "Arts & Entertainment" (category id: 3).

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
        "source": "google_trends_explore",
        "query": "adidas",
        "context": [
            {"key": "date_from", "value": "2021-01-01"},
            {"key": "date_to", "value": "2022-02-02"},
            {"key": "category_id", "value": 3}

We use synchronous Realtime integration method in our examples. If you would like to use Proxy Endpoint or asynchronous Push-Pull integration, refer to the integration methods section.

Request parameter values


Basic setup and customization options for scraping Google Trends results.

- mandatory parameter


Advanced options for tailoring and refining the search context.

NOTE: This service always delivers structured data - so there is no need to utilize the parse parameter with this source.

Output example

    "results": [
            "content":"{\"interest_over_time\": [{\"keyword\": \"adidas\", \"items\": [{\"time\": \"Jan 3\ \–\ 9, 2021\", \"value\": 75}, {\"time\": \"Jan 10\ \–\ 16, 2021\", \"value\": 79}...{\"query\": \"adidas zx\", \"value\": 10, \"formatted_value\": \"10\", \"link\": \"/trends/explore?q=adidas+zx&date=2021-01-01+2022-02-02\"}]}]}",
            "created_at": "2024-02-13 11:33:21",
            "updated_at": "2024-02-13 11:33:27",
            "page": 1,
            "url": "",
            "job_id": "7163133042662350849",
            "status_code": 200

Last updated