
The amazon_reviews data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product review pages of an ASIN of your choice. To see the response example with retrieved data, download this sample output file in HTML format or check structured data output here.

Explore output data dictionary for Reviews, offering a brief description, screenshot, parsed JSON code snippet, and a table defining each parsed field. Navigate through the details using the right-side navigation or scrolling down the page.

Request samples

In the code examples below, we make a request to retrieve product reviews for ASIN B08238V32L on marketplace.

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
        "source": "amazon_reviews", 
        "domain": "nl", 
        "query": "B08238V32L",
        "parse": true

We use synchronous Realtime integration method in our examples. If you would like to use Proxy Endpoint or asynchronous Push-Pull integration, refer to the integration methods section.

Request parameter values


Basic setup and customization options for scraping Amazon product review pages.

Default Value


Sets the scraper.



10-symbol ASIN code.










- mandatory parameter


Adapt results to specific geographical locations, domains, and languages.

Default Value







Pagination and sorting

Controls for managing the pagination, retrieval, and sorting of search results.

Default Value


Starting page number.



Number of pages to retrieve.


context: sort_by

Sort reviews by recent or helpful.


Code example

    "source": "amazon_reviews",
    "query": "B07MLFBJG3",
    "pages": 5,
    "context": [
            "key": "sort_by",
            "value": "helpful"

Structured data

Below you can find a structured output example for amazon_reviews.

amazon_reviews structured output
    "results": [
            "content": {
                "url": "",
                "asin": "B07VGRJDFY",
                "page": 1,
                "pages": 1,
                "reviews": [
                        "id": "R207LFMJD00CZD",
                        "title": "Reselling at higher prices",
                        "author": "Tsumni",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "Mass buying and reselling at high prices should be frowned upon",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States March 15, 2020",
                        "is_verified": false,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Green and Blue"
                        "id": "R2EMKIO40ML7X4",
                        "title": "Dont waste your money",
                        "author": "Amazon Customer",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "Way overpriced. Joycons are flimsy. Standard Switch is $300 and yet it can only be bought for $500. Nintendo get your act together.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States March 14, 2020",
                        "is_verified": false,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Green and Blue"
                        "id": "R2QMXWW8UO9S4J",
                        "title": "Gross",
                        "author": "Leticia Perez",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "The price is disgusting!",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States March 15, 2020",
                        "is_verified": false,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Green and Blue"
                        "id": "R1GC2P7OQBVZ2H",
                        "title": "Good Console at $299. Junk at This Price Gouge",
                        "author": "DNA B",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "I like the Switch Console and even with its quirks, at $299 it's fairly priced and hopefully will be again when the demand goes down. It's nowhere nearly as powerful as what Playstation and Xbox offer but it's so much more flexible that it can get away with a $300 price tag. $450 though? No, not worth it at all.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States April 3, 2020",
                        "is_verified": false,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "R14GJM67DWKWGF",
                        "title": "I got price gouged",
                        "author": "robert a acord",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "The Nintendo is cool and all but I got price gouged hard on it. I promised my kid one for Quarantine. Apparently people have been buying them out to resell on ebay and Amazon. I am one of those victims.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States April 9, 2020",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "R2TR8S17J2RSUC",
                        "title": "The device is great. The everything else is not.",
                        "author": "DWBelfils",
                        "rating": 2,
                        "content": "Everything about the physical device, i feel like is pretty well made. Good set up, some minor future issues that are mitigated by screen protectors and similar. Several easy to work with ways to play it, kinda fun in its novelties on its build.My issue?1) games are ridiculously expensive. So many are over priced.2) Online play required by Nintendo for a not good service is poor. Especially for things like minecraft.3) Where are any older games. The games that Nintendo has no need to keep out of the store. The old pokemon, Zelda games, or any games really. Like, great you are putting witcher 3 on there...But not Orignal Zelda and Ocherina of time?Physical? Great! Nintendo online and games? Bad. 1 or 2 games does not make the switch worth buying. PC has better prices, easier to work with, and you can play almost any game out there.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States August 23, 2019",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "RZ1W473GBJETH",
                        "title": "Love the Switch - A Casual Gamer's Best Console",
                        "author": "Sherlockian",
                        "rating": 5,
                        "content": "This is my review of the 'V2' (2019) version of the Nintendo Switch (model #HAC-001(-01)).So a little background, I was a enthusiastic PC gamer in college who built my own PCs for the purpose and am now - due to the demands of adulthood - someone who only plays the occasional game. My last handheld Nintendo console was the black and white Game Boy Pocket in the early 90's, so I've been away from the platform ---- a while.I bought the Switch purely because I learned they had ported Skyrim to it, and as a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls genre I was hoping to devote some of my train commute to questing around Tamriel. In this sense, the Switch does not disappoint. I am not a graphics connoisseur, but - compared to the PC version - Skryim plays really well on the Switch. No perceptible lag, colors are crisp. Yes, it's missing the expansions and yes, the text can be a little small, but that's a fair trade-off for the portability this platform brings.So far, I only own 2 games - Skyrim and MarioKart 8 (another throwback to my college dorm days on the N64), and I love playing both on the Switch, MaroKart is obviously the newer game and so the graphics and gameplay are much better but I'm a still a sucker for Skyrim (at least until the next ES is released, hopefully in my lifetime).Anyway, all this to say the Nintendo Switch is a great console for busy adults who want to reminisce about the fun they had 10, 20, or even 30 years ago. The Switch doesn't take itself too seriously (which I love) but that means it might not be the right choice for people concerned with the perfect graphic or gameplay experience - there are dedicated consoles that do this much better. What the Switch does is make gaming on the go effortless, fun for the average busy person and something you can really enjoy with your whole family - which I think was Nintendo's real goal here all along.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States September 6, 2019",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "RZHLHOZG9QKHF",
                        "title": "Disappointing",
                        "author": "zoconnies",
                        "rating": 1,
                        "content": "Wow how disappointing dont buy this until they get this improved, older version of this is better in my opinion. The newer version gave me 8+ crashes of system and game crashes leading up to finally unable to play this system having to return this system ,what a horrible experience this was. Being a big Nintendo switch player what a great disappointment this was. Hopefully they improve this newer version system to where this does not happen again or to someone else.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States September 7, 2019",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "R3MVQRLB73SMCS",
                        "title": "Great buy!",
                        "author": "Pedro Sarmiento",
                        "rating": 5,
                        "content": "Good Seller, Console came with everything as specified on description. I'll upload some pictures so you can see the box and hardware quality.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States August 23, 2019",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                        "id": "RO3U8SKQMVYOO",
                        "title": "(New) Nintendo Switch HAC-001(-01)",
                        "author": "Sam Lilly",
                        "rating": 5,
                        "content": "This revised model of the Switch comes with a number of features that I honestly can't fully appreciate as someone who didn't own the previous model. The big thing that drew me in was the extended battery life, even though so far I haven't played much in handheld mode and not at all in tabletop, but they use the same amount of battery either way I would imagine. The reason I'm giving this system five stars probably say more about how good it is than anything else. But I pretty much expected as much. I'm sure by now you can go online and find more detailed reviews for the gaming system, but in case you're wondering here, this one comes with the system, two gray joycons, two attachments to turn each joycon into its own controller, a base to connect both joycons into the formation of a singular controller, the required cables, and the Switch dock. So you'll probably want to buy a few things alongside this such as an SD card for reasonable storage space, a pro controller for a more standard controller experience, maybe a dock sleeve to prevent the possibility of scratching the screen from insertion and ejection of the system, an online pass if you plan to play any games with online features... just basically a lot of things that would be nice if they came with the system itself. This will inflate the price further, but the thing here is that this is going to replace the old models of the Switch and simply make this the main one manufactured now. So... basically, if you want a cheaper Switch you'll want to get a Switch Lite and this one will still cost about 300 bucks like the 2.5+ year-old original variant still costs. That is, unless you want to go used. I'm only bringing up these points because while this is a great system, I do think you should be aware of what is likely to happen with prices and availability going forward and plan accordingly. Once I realize a Switch was still going to cost the same if I wanted the ability to do on and off TV play I decided I might as well just hop on board with this newer variant. I'd recommend you do the same as it has had tweaks to make it just a slightly better version all around than the previous model. Otherwise, if price is a concern, wait for the Switch Lite and see how it tickles your fancy. Also, here's tip. If you want to turn the system off as opposed to leaving it in sleep mode, simply hold down the power button on the system for a few seconds and then a menu will appear with the option to restart or shut down. Also note that you cannot play on the TV off of the Switch's battery power. The dock needs to be plugged in for the dock to function. I hope something in here was helpful.",
                        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States September 15, 2019",
                        "is_verified": true,
                        "product_attributes": "Style: ConsoleColor: Gray"
                "page_type": "Question",
                "asin_in_url": "B07VGRJDFY",
                "product_name": "Nintendo Switch with Neon Blue and Neon Red Joy‑Con - HAC-001(-01)",
                "parse_status_code": 12000
            "created_at": "2022-05-09 06:56:49",
            "updated_at": "2022-05-09 06:56:52",
            "page": 1,
            "url": "",
            "job_id": "6929323275730300929",
            "status_code": 200,
            "parser_type": ""

Data dictionary

HTML Sample

JSON structure

The amazon_reviews provides a collection of user-generated reviews for a specific product listed on Amazon. The table below presents a detailed list of each field we parse, along with its description and data type. The table also includes some metadata.



The URL of the Amazon reviews page for a selected product.



Amazon Standard Identification Number.



The current page number.



Number of pages to retrieve.



A list of reviews with their respective details.



The type of the Amazon page.



Amazon Standard Identification Number retrieved from the URL.



The name of the Amazon product.





The timestamp when the scraping job was created.



The timestamp when the scraping job was finished.



The ID of the job associated with the scraping job.





The type of parser used for parsing the data.


In the following sections, parsed JSON code snippets are shortened where more than one item for the result type is available.


reviews contains multiple reviews submitted by users for a particular product, each with its own details such as title, author, rating, content, timestamp, and verification status. Additionally, each review may include product attributes.

"reviews": [
        "id": "R24D8CAAD3AQM9",
        "title": "5.0 out of 5 stars Great gaming system, but the Asurion plan isn't worth buying",
        "author": "shirley campbell",
        "rating": 5,
        "content": "My grandson loves it! Worked like a charm for a year and half until the battery stopped holding a charge. I purchased the Asurion protection plan because it said it would cover all malfunctions. However, when I tried to submit a claim, it said it wasn't covered. So, the gaming system is worth buying, but don't waste your money on the protection plan. (Game Stop's protection plan is way better!)",
        "timestamp": "Reviewed in the United States December 10, 2023",
        "profile_id": "AF3CF2THPLBI23VSYV7EJOPO4SOA",
        "is_verified": true,
        "helpful_count": 3,
        "product_attributes": ""
Key (reviews)


An alphanumeric identification for the Amazon Review.



The rating and the title of the review.



The user by whom the review has been submitted.



The star rating assigned when submitting the review.



The content of the review.



Identifies when the review has been submitted.



An identification number assigned to the user who left the review.



Identifies whether the user has bought the product via Amazon marketplace.



Number of helpful votes received for the review.



Identifies the characteristics of the product.


Last updated

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