Copy - Hong Kong
Copy - Beijing
We have configured entry nodes in Hong Kong and Beijing regions for better connectivity from China. Note that it is an HTTPS proxy node. All username parameters are identical to the regular entry node.
cURL PHP Python Java C# Ruby
Copy curl -x -U "customer-USERNAME:PASSWORD"
Copy <? php
$username = 'USERNAME' ;
$password = 'PASSWORD' ;
$proxy = '' ;
$query = curl_init ( '' ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_PROXY , "http://$proxy" ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD , "customer-$username:$password" ) ;
$output = curl_exec ( $query ) ;
curl_close ( $query ) ;
if ($output)
echo $output;
Copy import urllib . request
import random
username = 'USERNAME'
password = 'PASSWORD'
entry = ( 'http://customer- %s : %s' %
(username , password))
query = urllib . request . ProxyHandler ({
'http' : entry,
'https' : entry,
execute = urllib . request . build_opener (query)
print (execute. open ( '' ). read ())
Copy package example ;
import org . apache . http . HttpHost ;
import org . apache . http . client . fluent . * ;
public class Example {
public static void main ( String [] args) throws Exception {
HttpHost entry = new HttpHost( "" , 8000 ) ;
String query = Executor . newInstance ()
. auth (entry , "customer-USERNAME" , "PASS" )
. execute ( Request . Get ( "" ) . viaProxy (entry))
. returnContent () . asString ();
System . out . println (query);
Copy using System ;
using System . Net ;
class Example
static void Main ()
var client = new WebClient ();
client . Proxy = new WebProxy ( "" );
client . Proxy . Credentials = new NetworkCredential ( "customer-USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" );
Console .WriteLine( client .DownloadString( "" ));
Copy require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
uri = URI . parse ( '' )
proxy = Net :: HTTP :: Proxy ( '' , 8000 , 'customer-USERNAME' , 'PASSWORD' )
req = Net :: HTTP :: Get . new (uri . path )
result = proxy . start (uri . host , uri . port ) do | http |
http . request (req)
puts result . body
Please note that some 3rd party tools currently do not work with Hong Kong and Beijing entry nodes. 3rd party tools that work with said entry nodes are:
We are currently working on fixing the rest of the integrations on which HTTPS protocol will be supported.
If you are connecting to our residential network from China and still have issues with provided entry nodes, please get in touch at , and we will figure out a solution together.
Last updated 8 months ago