To get a proxy from any of the seven continents, add the cn-
parameter and two-letter code to the authorization string.
The list of continents and corresponding letter codes to chose from:
for Africa
for Antarctica
for Asia
for Europe
for North America
for Oceania
for South America
Code example
In this example, a query to
is performed from a random IP address from Asia:
cURL PHP Python Java C# Ruby
Copy curl -x -U "customer-USERNAME-cn-AS:PASSWORD"
Copy <? php
$username = 'USERNAME' ;
$password = 'PASSWORD' ;
$continent = 'AS' ;
$proxy = '' ;
$query = curl_init ( '' ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_PROXY , "http://$proxy" ) ;
curl_setopt ( $query , CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD , "customer-$username-cn-$continent:$password" ) ;
$output = curl_exec ( $query ) ;
curl_close ( $query ) ;
if ($output)
echo $output;
Copy import urllib . request
import random
username = 'USERNAME'
password = 'PASSWORD'
continent = 'AS'
entry = ( 'http://customer- %s -cn- %s : %s' %
(username , continent , password))
query = urllib . request . ProxyHandler ({
'http' : entry,
'https' : entry,
execute = urllib . request . build_opener (query)
print (execute. open ( '' ). read ())
Copy package example ;
import org . apache . http . HttpHost ;
import org . apache . http . client . fluent . * ;
public class Example {
public static void main ( String [] args) throws Exception {
HttpHost entry = new HttpHost( "" , 7777 ) ;
String query = Executor . newInstance ()
. auth (entry , "customer-USERNAME-cn-AS" , "PASS" )
. execute ( Request . Get ( "" ) . viaProxy (entry))
. returnContent () . asString ();
System . out . println (query);
Copy using System ;
using System . Net ;
class Example
static void Main ()
var client = new WebClient ();
client . Proxy = new WebProxy ( "" );
client . Proxy . Credentials = new NetworkCredential ( "customer-USERNAME-cn-AS" , "PASSWORD" );
Console .WriteLine( client .DownloadString( "" ));
Copy require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
uri = URI . parse ( '' )
proxy = Net :: HTTP :: Proxy ( '' , 7777 , 'customer-USERNAME-cn-AS' , 'PASSWORD' )
req = Net :: HTTP :: Get . new (uri . path )
result = proxy . start (uri . host , uri . port ) do | http |
http . request (req)
puts result . body
Last updated 8 months ago