Usage Statistics

You can check your usage statistics free of charge by submitting an API request.

The endpoint below is for usage statistics querries :



By default, the API will return unfiltered (all-time, all sources) usage statistics. If you like, you can get grouped and/or filtered stats.

You can combine two or more parameters in the same query, e.g., group stats by day and filter by source.

The below query returns monthly statistics.

curl --user "user:pass1" ''


The v2/stats output contains usage stats, including product-level stats (E-Commerce Scraper API / SERP Scraper API / Web Scraper API). The product-level stats are broken down into source-level stats, which are further broken down into separate statistics for HTML and parsed results. See the data dictionary section to find out the meaning of each output key.

Sample output

    "meta": {
        "group_by": null,
        "date_from": null,
        "date_to": null,
        "source": null,
        "product": null
    "data": {
        "products": [
                "all_count": 5837,
                "mode_callback_count": 5514,
                "mode_realtime_count": 315,
                "mode_superapi_count": 8,
                "contenttype_parsed_count": 56,
                "contenttype_html_count": 5781,
                "render_count": 3,
                "geo_location_count": 2330,
                "average_response_time": 88.54,
                "request_traffic": 4685091,
                "response_traffic": 602064208,
                "title": "serp_scraper_api",
                "sources": [
                        "all_count": 5616,
                        "mode_callback_count": 5414,
                        "mode_realtime_count": 194,
                        "mode_superapi_count": 8,
                        "render_count": 0,
                        "geo_location_count": 2190,
                        "average_response_time": 91.59,
                        "request_traffic": 4550507,
                        "response_traffic": 585423946,
                        "title": "serp_source1",
                        "parsed": false
                        "all_count": 1,
                        "mode_callback_count": 0,
                        "mode_realtime_count": 1,
                        "mode_superapi_count": 0,
                        "render_count": 0,
                        "geo_location_count": 1,
                        "average_response_time": 11,
                        "request_traffic": 0,
                        "response_traffic": 0,
                        "title": "serp_source2",
                        "parsed": false

Data dictionary

Last updated