List of instructions

General arguments

All the instructions defined below have a consistent set of arguments. The arguments are as follows.


  • Type: Enum["click", "input", "scroll", "scroll_to_bottom", "wait", "wait_for_element", "fetch_resource"]

  • Description: Browser instruction type.


  • Type: int

  • Description: How long until action is skipped if not completed in time.

  • Restrictions: 0 < timeout_s <= 60

  • Default value: 5


  • Type: int

  • Description: HHow long to wait before executing next action.

  • Restrictions: 0 < wait_time_s <= 60

  • Default value: 0


  • Type: Enum["error", "skip"]

  • Description: Indicator what to do with instructions in case this instruction fails:

    • "error": Stops the execution of browser instructions.

    • "skip": Continues with the next instruction.

  • Default value: "error"

Example with general arguments

    "type": "wait_for_element",
    "selector": {
        "type": "text",
        "value": "Load More Items"
    "timeout_s": 5,
    "wait_time_s": 2,
    "on_error": "skip"




  • Description: Clicks an element and wait a set count of seconds.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "click"

    • selector: dict

      • type: Enum["xpath", "css", "text"]

      • value: str

  • Example:

    "type": "click",
    "selector": {
        "type": "xpath",
        "value": "//button"


  • Description: Enters a text into a selected element.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "input"

    • selector: dict

      • type: Enum["xpath", "css", "text"]

      • value: str

    • value: str

    • Example:

    "type": "input",
    "selector": {
        "type": "xpath",
        "value": "//input"
    "value": "pizza boxes"


  • Description: Scrolls a set count of pixels.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "scroll"

    • x: int

    • y: int

  • Example:

    "type": "scroll",
    "x": 0,
    "y": 100


  • Description: Scrolls to bottom for a set count of seconds.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "scroll_to_bottom"

  • Example:

    "type": "scroll_to_bottom",
    "timeout_s": 10


  • Description: Waits a set count of seconds.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "wait"

  • Example:

    "type": "wait",
    "wait_time_s": 2


  • Description: Waits for element to load for a set count of seconds.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "wait_for_element"

    • selector: dict

      • type: Enum["xpath", "css", "text"]

      • value: str

    • Example:

    "type": "wait_for_element",
    "selector": {
        "type": "text",
        "value": "Load More Items"
    "timeout_s": 5


The fetch_resource instruction must be the final instruction in the browser instructions list; any subsequent instructions will not be executed.

  • Description: Fetches the first occurrence of a Fetch/XHR resource matching the set pattern.

  • Args:

    • type: str = "fetch_resource"

    • filter: str(RegEx expression)

    • on_error: Enum["error", "skip"]

  • Example:

    "type": "fetch_resource",
    "filter": "/graphql/item/"

Instructions' validation

Any inconsistency in regards to instruction format will result in a 400 status code and a corresponding error message.

For example, payload as such:

    "source": "universal",
    "url": "",
    "render": "html",
    "browser_instructions": [
            "type": "unsupported-wait",
            "wait_time_s": 5

Will result in:

    "errors": {
        "message": "Unsupported action type `unsupported-wait`, choose from 'click,fetch_resource,input,scroll,scroll_to_bottom,wait,wait_for_element'"

Last updated