
You can get Target results by providing your own URLs to our service. We can return the HTML for any Target page you like. Additionally, we can deliver structured (parsed) output for Target product and search pages.

Request samples

The example below illustrates how you can get a parsed Target product page result.

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
        "source": "universal_ecommerce", 
        "url": "", 
        "geo_location": "United States",
        "render": "html",
        "parse": true

We use Realtime integration method in our examples. If you would like to use some other integration method in your request (e.g. Push-Pull or Proxy Endpoint), refer to the integration methods section.

Request parameter values


- mandatory parameter

Please note that you will scrape Target by employing the universal_ecommerce source. To learn about all the various ways you can fine-tune this source, please visit this page.

Structured data

E-Commerce Scraper API can extract Target product and search pages in either HTML or JSON format, providing structured data on various elements of the page.

Output data dictionary


HTML example

    "content": {
        "url": "",
        "brand": {
            "href": "/b/apple/-/N-5y3ej",
            "name": "Shop all Apple"
        "price": 199.99,
        "title": "Pre-Owned Apple iPhone SE (2nd Generation) (64GB) Unlocked - Black",
        "category": "Unlocked Cell Phones",
        "currency": "USD",
        "description": "Pre-owned electronics are like new \u2014 just better for the planet and your pocket. <...> And take advantage of feature and security updates in the future.",
        "rating_score": 3.6,
        "parse_status_code": 12000
    "created_at": "2024-06-13 10:47:53",
    "updated_at": "2024-06-13 10:48:19",
    "page": 1,
    "url": "",
    "job_id": "7206970531281641473",
    "status_code": 200,
    "parser_type": "target_product"

JSON structure

The table below presents a detailed list of each product page element we parse, along with its description and data type. The table also includes some metadata.

HTML example

"content": {
    "url": "",
    "results": {
        "organic": [
                "url": "",
                "title": "Refurbished AT&T Apple iPhone 12 (128GB) - Black - Target Certified Refurbished",
                "brand_link": "",
                "brand_name": "Apple",
                "price_data": {
                    "price": 380.79,
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "comparison_price": 475.99
                "product_id": "90500508",
                "rating_data": {
                    "count": 0,
                    "score": 0
                "shipping_message": "Ships freeExclusions applyGet it by Tue, Jul 9"
    "parse_status_code": 12000
"created_at": "2024-07-03 10:48:01",
"updated_at": "2024-07-03 10:48:32",
"page": 1,
"url": "",
"job_id": "7214218323129556993",
"status_code": 200,
"parser_type": "target_search",

JSON structure

The table below presents a detailed list of search results page element we parse, along with its description and data type. The table also includes some metadata.

Last updated