
Web Unblocker ensures the best website unblocking performance by utilizing predefined cookies.

Starting on May 10th, 2024, our system will automatically reject any cookies sent by the client to optimize success rates, unless indicated otherwise.

Change preview (Before May 10th)

To facilitate a smooth transition, we offer the option to preview this change. You can assess its impact by sending the x-oxylabs-force-cookies:0 request header, enabling you to make any necessary adjustments beforehand.

Code examples

curl -k -x \
'' \
--cookie "NID=1234567890"
-H 'x-oxylabs-force-cookies:0' \

Change implementation (After May 10th):

In the event that you need to include your own cookies, you can achieve this by incorporating the x-oxylabs-force-cookies:1 request header in your requests.

Code examples

curl -k -x \
'' \
--cookie "NID=1234567890"
-H 'x-oxylabs-force-cookies:1' \

Last updated