With Web Scraper API, you can scrape the Kroger marketplace. Below is an overview of the supported scrapers and their respective source values.
Dedicated parser
Submit any Kroger URL you like.
You can always write your own parsing instructions with Custom Parser feature and get structured data.
Getting started
Create your API user credentials : Sign up for a free trial or purchase the product in the Oxylabs dashboard to create your API user credentials (USERNAME
If you need more than one API user for your account, please contact our customer support or message our 24/7 live chat support.
Request samples
In the example below, we make a request to retrieve Kroger search results for the search term adidas
cURL Python Node.js HTTP PHP Golang C# Java JSON
Copy curl 'https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"source": "kroger_search",
"query": "adidas"
Copy import requests
from pprint import pprint
# Structure payload.
payload = {
'source' : 'kroger_search' ,
'query' : 'adidas'
# Get response.
response = requests . request (
'POST' ,
'https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries' ,
auth = ( 'USERNAME' , 'PASSWORD' ),
json = payload,
# Print prettified response to stdout.
pprint (response. json ())
Copy const https = require ( "https" );
const username = "USERNAME" ;
const password = "PASSWORD" ;
const body = {
source : "kroger_search" ,
query : "adidas"
const options = {
hostname : "realtime.oxylabs.io" ,
path : "/v1/queries" ,
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
Authorization :
"Basic " + Buffer .from ( ` ${ username } : ${ password } ` ) .toString ( "base64" ) ,
} ,
const request = https .request (options , (response) => {
let data = "" ;
response .on ( "data" , (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
response .on ( "end" , () => {
const responseData = JSON .parse (data);
console .log ( JSON .stringify (responseData , null , 2 ));
request .on ( "error" , (error) => {
console .error ( "Error:" , error);
request .write ( JSON .stringify (body));
request .end ();
Copy https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries?source=kroger_search& query = adidas & access_token =12345 abcdep
Copy <? php
$params = array (
'source' => 'kroger_search' ,
'query' => 'adidas'
$ch = curl_init () ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , "https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries" ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , json_encode ( $params )) ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERPWD , "USERNAME" . ":" . "PASSWORD" ) ;
$headers = array ();
$headers[] = "Content-Type: application/json" ;
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , $headers ) ;
$result = curl_exec ( $ch ) ;
echo $result;
if ( curl_errno ( $ch ) ) {
echo 'Error:' . curl_error ( $ch ) ;
curl_close ( $ch ) ;
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
const Username = "USERNAME"
const Password = "PASSWORD"
payload := map [ string ] interface {}{
"source" : "kroger_search" ,
"query" : "adidas" ,
jsonValue, _ := json. Marshal (payload)
client := & http . Client {}
request, _ := http. NewRequest ( "POST" ,
"https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries" ,
bytes. NewBuffer (jsonValue),
request. SetBasicAuth (Username, Password)
response, _ := client. Do (request)
responseText, _ := ioutil. ReadAll (response.Body)
fmt. Println ( string (responseText))
Copy using System ;
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Net . Http ;
using System . Net . Http . Json ;
using System . Threading . Tasks ;
namespace OxyApi
class Program
static async Task Main ()
const string Username = "USERNAME" ;
const string Password = "PASSWORD" ;
var parameters = new {
source = "kroger_search" ,
query = "adidas"
var client = new HttpClient ();
Uri baseUri = new Uri ( "https://realtime.oxylabs.io" );
client . BaseAddress = baseUri;
var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage ( HttpMethod . Post , "/v1/queries" );
requestMessage . Content = JsonContent .Create(parameters);
var authenticationString = $"{Username}:{Password}" ;
var base64EncodedAuthenticationString = Convert .ToBase64String( System . Text . ASCIIEncoding . UTF8 .GetBytes(authenticationString));
requestMessage . Headers .Add( "Authorization" , "Basic " + base64EncodedAuthenticationString);
var response = await client .SendAsync(requestMessage);
var contents = await response . Content .ReadAsStringAsync();
Console .WriteLine(contents);
Copy package org . example ;
import okhttp3 . * ;
import org . json . JSONObject ;
import java . util . concurrent . TimeUnit ;
public class Main implements Runnable {
private static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization" ;
public static final String USERNAME = "USERNAME" ;
public static final String PASSWORD = "PASSWORD" ;
public void run () {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject() ;
jsonObject . put ( "source" , "kroger_search" );
jsonObject . put ( "query" , "adidas" );
Authenticator authenticator = (route , response) -> {
String credential = Credentials . basic (USERNAME , PASSWORD);
return response
. request ()
. newBuilder ()
. header (AUTHORIZATION_HEADER , credential)
. build ();
var client = new OkHttpClient . Builder ()
. authenticator (authenticator)
. readTimeout ( 180 , TimeUnit . SECONDS )
. build ();
var mediaType = MediaType . parse ( "application/json; charset=utf-8" );
var body = RequestBody . create ( jsonObject . toString () , mediaType);
var request = new Request . Builder ()
. url ( "https://realtime.oxylabs.io/v1/queries" )
. post (body)
. build ();
try ( var response = client . newCall (request) . execute ()) {
if ( response . body () != null ) {
try ( var responseBody = response . body ()) {
System . out . println ( responseBody . string ());
} catch ( Exception exception) {
System . out . println ( "Error: " + exception . getMessage ());
System . exit ( 0 );
public static void main ( String [] args) {
new Thread( new Main()) . start ();
Copy {
"source" : "kroger_search" ,
"query" : "adidas"
We use synchronous Realtime integration method in our examples. If you would like to use Proxy Endpoint or asynchronous Push-Pull integration, refer to the integration methods section.
Optionally, you can include additional parameters such as user_agent_type
and more to customize your scraping request. Read more: