
Scheduler is a free feature of the Scraper APIs that lets you automate recurring scraping and parsing jobs by creating schedules.

Check out the video tutorial below to learn more about Scheduler and how it works.

We advise using Scheduler together with the Upload to Cloud Storage feature. This way, you can set up your schedule and receive regular data updates in your storage without trying to fetch results from our system.

IMPORTANT: Scheduler is a powerful tool that can quickly raise your service bill. We advise testing it with a few job items and a limited number of repeats to ensure you get the correct data at the right intervals. Once that's established, you can stop the test schedule and create a new, scaled-up schedule.

Quick Start

When creating a new schedule, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Tell us how often we should repeat the jobs by submitting a cron schedule expression;

  2. Give us a bunch of job parameter sets that we should execute at scheduled times;

  3. Let us know when to stop by submitting an end time.

See here to find a code example for submitting a new schedule.

HINT: Find out how to form job parameter sets by visiting the documentation of the particular Scraper API (SERP / E-Commerce / Web) you want to use.

NOTE: You can also download and import this Postman collection to try out all our Scheduler endpoints. New to Postman? Learn more about this tool here.


Scheduler has several endpoints you can use to control the service:

Create a new schedule


Use this endpoint to initiate a new schedule.

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: POST

  • Authentication: Basic

  • Request headers: Content-Type: application/json


- required parameter

NOTE: For guidance on putting together job parameter sets for the items part of your Scheduler payload, refer to the documentation page of the particular scraper you would like to use (e.g. Google, Amazon, etc.).

The payload below will make Scheduler run two jobs schedule at 03:00 on Mondays until end_time (inclusive).

  "cron": "0 3 * * 1",
  "items": [
    {"source": "universal", "url": ""},
    {"source": "google_search", "query": "stuff"}
  "end_time": "2032-12-21 12:34:45"


The response below confirms that the schedule was created successfully.

    "schedule_id": 4134906379157007223,
    "active": true,
    "items_count": 3,
    "cron": "0 3 * * 1",
    "end_time": "2032-12-21 12:34:45",
    "next_run_at": "2022-06-06 10:15:00"

Get all schedules


Use this endpoint to get the list of all schedules associated with your user account.

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Authentication: Basic


This endpoint returns the list of all schedule IDs associated with the user account making the request.

See the sample response below.

    "schedules": [

Get schedule information


Use this endpoint to get information about a specific schedule.

  • Endpoint:{id}

  • Method: GET

  • Authentication: Basic


The payload below contains a sample schedule info response.

    "schedule_id": 1764178033254455101,
    "active": true,
    "items_count": 3,
    "cron": "0 3 * * 1",
    "end_time": "2032-12-21 12:34:45",
    "next_run_at": "2022-06-06 10:18:00",
    "stats": {
        "total_job_count": 3,
        "job_create_outcomes": [
                "status_code": 202,
                "job_count": 3,
                "ratio": 1
        "job_result_outcomes": [
                "status": "done",
                "job_count": 2,
                "ratio": 0.67
                "status": "faulted",
                "job_count": 1,
                "ratio": 0.33

NOTE: Currently,items (i.e., the jobs to be executed as part of a schedule) are missing in the output. We are aware of this and will add them shortly.

Deactivate or reactivate a schedule


Use this endpoint to activate or deactivate a particular schedule.

  • Endpoint:{id}/state

  • Method: PUT

  • Authentication: Basic


Use this endpoint to stop or restart a schedule.

By setting active to false, you can stop the execution of a particular schedule.

If you set active to true, you can reactivate a previously stopped schedule.

  "active": false



The standard response is an empty response body with a 202 status code.

API response codes

For API response codes, refer to API section.

Last updated